Sunday, February 11, 2007

The Five Stages Of Gaining Client Trust In Your Massage Therapy Business

In a massage therapy business the key to success is gaining clients trust. Many therapists have lots of clients with a high turn over but really, this just makes hard work in your massage therapy business. What you need to focus on is marketing to get loyal clients, not once-off’s.

Loyal massage therapy clients come back. They pay on time every time, they refer their friends, they tell strangers about you and they even ask if you would come to their office building. What a client is this!

So just how do we get clients like this in our massage therapy businesses? The fact is there is five stages to gaining clients trust and they may not be what you think.

Stage 1- Reflecting trust. In order to gain trust you first must convey it in your massage therapy business. Make sure you have every thing about you in your marketing, that includes how you can help them and what benefits they keep getting if they keep having massage with you. Very important.

Stage 2- When they have called up to enquire about you and how your massage therapy works, ask them about themselves. Don’t go on about how massage is good for the circulation, ask them what they need and what are they looking for? To eliminate the desire to talk about yourself and listen to the client starts to make room for trust.

Stage 3- When your client comes for his or her massage therapy appointment, make sure you listen to what they are feeling, not just what they are telling you in words. Listen to their tone, their body language and their facial expression. In a massage therapy business we need to be listeners as well as practioners. The more you listen the more they will open up to you and this is a sign of trust.

Stage 4- When your client makes a second appointment it’s a sign they are trusting you to do a good job for the second time. In this moment, don’t just make the appointment and thank them for coming. Always tell them what they can do between now and when they see you again to relieve the pain and discomfort. It will help them to trust you further because you are displaying genuine care and concern.

Stage 5- Lucky last. In your massage therapy business when a client refers you to someone else, especially someone close to them. It’s a big sign that they trust you. They are now confident to tell people that you can do the job, how much they have gained from seeing you and that that loved one should see you to gain the same experience. In a situation like this you can send a surprise ‘thank you for the business’ card in the mail or call them up personally or give them a gift.

Integrity begets more clients. It really does. So make sure you do these things during the fives stages of gaining clients trust in your massage therapy business. You’ll find your massage therapy business snowballs.

Good luck,

Amy Roberts

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Notes for a Successful Massage Therapy Practice

What your massage clients want:

    1. Treat me as a valued client
    2. Provide me with a great massage
    3. Give me timely and excellent service

Client’s ARE NOT saying that cheap massage therapy treatments are the most important thing – those types of responses are way down on the list.

What does this mean for you?

It means every single one of us has the power to give our clients the two most important things they want – we can choose to do this immediately as no resources/ tools are required, its simply a conversation you have with them.

In line with this, you can become the most successful Massage Therapist in your area.

If you have given your clients a satisfaction survey questions, what did you rank as far as customer service?

It means that if you rate low it’s because of how you behaved toward our clients. The flip side is that, if we choose to, we can immediately correct this and rate high, just by changing our behaviour.

B. Best practice is everything. If you want to be the best, don’t read about the best, copy the best by watching what they do and tailoring it to your own personality.

C. Passion is essential. You’ll enjoy your life as a massahe Therapist a lot more if while you’re here you’re being the very best that you can be. Focus on your priorities:

A - Attitude
B - Behaviours
C - Consistency
D - Benefits

D. Always tell them about the benefits of regular massage therapy. Never sell a client anything, NOT ONE PENNY’S WORTH, that they don’t need. Encouraging your clients is NOT dollar- pushing, you are striving to meet your clients needs, and ALWAYS should be.

It’s fine to have techniques for both related and unrelated regularly encouraging regular massage therapy treatments, but:

Techniques only work if you have the attitude behind it so remember:

Each day is a new day and each enquiry might be a new client.

When you are doing encouraging a client to have regular treatments (i.e come back and see you) , to make sure the client understands that you are responding to their needs, use this (or a similar) phrase:

“because you told me that you ….. I recommend …..”

Only ever do an unrelated encouragement conversation where you think it adds value, as it’s not about your ability to see as many clients as you can physically squeeze in a day, it’s about meeting your clients needs right then and there on the spot. Remember – with encouraging them to have more regaular massage treatments delivery is everything!! So make sure you display empathy.

How do you behaviouralize empathy? By thinking through and acting on the question

“Where is the clients head at this very moment?”

What are they thinking, feeling and deciding on right now?

Notes from Amy Roberts Seminar 2007. Amy can be found at

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Five Secrets To A Successful Massage Therapy Practice

You know, I don’t do massage therapy as intensely as I used to, but I still keep my hand in, excuse the pun. I do this around my coaching and consulting business simply because I love it. It gives me a feeling of connection and peace. Massage Therapy, after ten years, is still a passion.

And I want to share a handful of secret tips with you to about how to build on your own massage therapy practice. These are so simple, but really make the difference. And you need to really think about the story I am about to tell you. Don’t wait for a client to tell you, its better that it comes from me.

A couple of days ago I got a call from a competing massage therapy practice down the road asking if I could come and “work my magic” on four clients they had for the afternoon as the head massage therapist was ill. Fortunately I had two coaching sessions with two massage therapists in the morning and the rest of the day was mine.

So I said “sure, no problem, I’ll be there.”

It was arranged I would head off to this massage therapy clinic (who had five staff on board) at about 12 o’clock. I arrived with time to spare and began to chat with the receptionist as I waited for the first client to arrive.

She said “I’m glad you’re here, because it will make the boss happy to know after your massage therapy treatment the clients will come back.”

“What do you mean?” I asked a bit puzzled.

“Oh well” she started sheepishly, “we don’t have many repeats.”

“Do you mind if I ask how many people come back on average? Let’s say out of 100 clients how many out of the hundred would return?”

“Maybe 3 or 4.”

I was not surprised one bit, as shocking as that ratio was. Massage therapy clinics with a few staff (as a general rule) tend to rely on good exposure in a “lifestyle area” of the city to get clients. Whereas a one therapist clinic has from home has a higher ratio of repeat clients such as 40 or 50%.

So why is this?

I soon understood a few things that may have been putting clients off. And you won’t believe what they are. And they are all simple things.

The smell of oil in the massage room:

One of the massage rooms had a smell of rancid massage oil that did nothing less that hit you in the face as you walked in. The massage therapist who owned the establishment was very firm to keep the doors closed all the time regardless of whether a client was having a massage treatment or not. As a result the smell of oil built up to an overpowering amount.

The desk tops:

It’s easy if you running a heater or air-conditioning unit for dust and recycled massage oil to film itself over bench tops and surfaces. As I placed my watch down on the counter I was able to see the film of oil and dust over the glasses that the clients were offered water in, after the treatment.

The music:

As I worked my way into the clients trapezius, about 15 minutes in to the massage, the cd player stopped playing music. All the client was left with was a squeaking of the massage table from the movement of my hands and arms. I tried to gently press the play button again but it was stuck stubbornly on track 2 and I could not get it going. Of course I was unable to stop the massage to fix it or put another cd on, so I kept going, squeaky table and all.

Hearing people talking as they walked passed the room:

I was doing my best to keep the client in the deepest relaxed state as possible and it was abruptly halted by someone who’d stopped outside the massage room and had lost something. It was a staff member who was talking on the handsfree phone to a supplier about massage towels. It was loud and woke the client up out of his relaxation.

Not enough clean towels:

When I arrived at the clinic, before the massage took place, the receptionist told me “We only use one towel per client here.” I was confused, obviously she meant one towel change per client. When I asked her for clarification she stated that she meant one towel over the top of the client and the rest of the towels such as the one on the table, on the head rest and then one to wipe off oil had to be used for the four clients I was seeing.

I ignored this and helped myself to a complete set of fresh towels each time someone new came.

Contraindication cards:

Before my third client came I looked at his name on the computer and said to the receptionist “do you have any information on his injury?”

“What injury?” She asked perplexed, as I had never been to the clinic or met this gentlemen before.

“He has an past injury and I was wondering if you have any information about it on his card.”

“But there’s nothing in the system that he has an injury” she said franticly searching for more information on him.

When Steve came for the massage I asked him if he had any injuries and if so, what kind. He told me he’d had an operation three years ago due to tearing a tendon whilst surfing and did experience stiffness from time to time. I advised him that massage therapy was very good for the recovery of such an injury and showed him some gentle stretches he could do on it to ease the stiffness.

After Steve left I wrote down almost a page of information about his injury, dates, times, who his Dr was etc. I brought it out to reception and said “I think you will need to add this to his file.”

“How did you know he had an injury?”

I shrugged my shoulders and walked off to prepare the room for the final client.

After the massage treatments I’d done for the day I wrote down a list of my suggestions to the receptionist about how to improve the retention rate.

I suggested that the table be changed from top to bottom after each client and fresh towels be placed there for the next client. (You’d be amazed at how many therapists don’t actually do this.) I also suggested that if they were to continue to use massage oil, to open the doors to let the smell out. Either that or come and see me about Massage wax. (A beautiful, soft balm specifically made for massage. It feels similar to Cocoa butter.)

I also made the suggestion of having a fully working CD player, or cd to make sure the client experiences consistency in the relaxation they are feeling. My next suggestion was to place a “Quite Please. Massage Treatments In Progress” signs in the hallway to remind people to keep their voices down. My last suggestion was to keep ALL information about the client’s physical history on the cards or computer system. Don’t rely on intuition to do it for you.

So these are my secrets for success. I know they are small and some would feel they are not important but if a client has not had an experience with you, how do you know what they are thinking? Don’t give them any reason to feel uncomfortable. Make sure your massage therapy practice is A1. Make sure it sparkles from top to bottom and leave no room for a potential complaint.

So remember: Fresh towels, no rancid smell in the room, keep the music going (because it keeps the client relaxed), no talking from anyone outside, and keep those cards up to date!

All these things will add up to a slick, professional experience the client will remember and want to come again for.

Keep up the good work.

Amy Roberts

Monday, December 18, 2006

Avoiding the Client Drop-Off Over The Holiday Season In Your Massage Therapy Business

Last week we talked about gift certificates and how they should really work for your massage therapy business at this time of year. This week we’re going to discuss an overall strategy for getting more clients in your massage therapy business at Christmas time…or should I say keeping more clients…

One thing you notice at this time of year is that your new clients and your old clients don’t come for massage therapy at all.

But I want to introduce a new thought right now, and that is looking at your client records as a whole. You may find that in total you have 50 clients in your massage therapy business, or 100 clients that you’ve seen over the past two years, lets say. If you think about it, each one of those 100 clients has come to you after an internal decision to have massage therapy with someone, then after thinking about it, they picked you. They may have had the opportunity to choose another therapist but they didn’t, they choose you.

Okay, you’re probably thinking “cut to the chase Amy!”

Okay here goes: You have 100 people who have chosen you as the person they want to come and see to make them feel better, more relaxed, reduced back pain, via massage therapy. So why is that? If you were to ring some of those people up and let them know you are seeking feedback about their massage therapy treatment and why they choose you, you will get some valuable information.

Not only that, you can call some of them up that have not been for a while. The phone call will not only give you feedback, but it will give you a chance to remind them about you again and you can even offer to send them something in the mail, perhaps one of your special offers or gift certificates.

When you do call them, don’t worry about feeling like you are trying to “get” something from them because its not like that at all. What you are doing is simply asking for feedback and while you are at it, helping them further by telling about something that will benefit them. So it’s a win/win. Great for them and great for you.

And if you'd like to know exclusive secrets to continually getting clients and keeping them coming back then click on this link for a complete list of all my ebooks:

Next Week; "Avoiding the Client Drop-Off Over The Holiday Season" Part Six.

Till next week!

Amy Roberts


About the Author: Amy Roberts has been actively involved with the massage therapy industry since 1994. Amy writes for the American Massage Therapy Association once a month in a regular column of their Ezine. She has taught her massage marketing methods to hundreds of massage therapists internationally and locally.


Avoiding the Client Drop-Off Over The Holiday Season In Your Massage Therapy Business

Did you know Christmas is only a few weeks away? That’s good news, because not only do we all get to eat, drink, be merry and hang out with our loved ones, the quiet season goes away and we, as Massage Therapists become busy again.

The next tip in this series is to promote those gift certificates in your massage therapy business. Gift certificates are a great idea as a Christmas present for your massage therapy client’s loved ones (or for your client’s partners to buy them one) and in January they get redeemed.

Or they should get redeemed.

The key to getting gift certificates to work for you at this time of year is the time on the certificate. A lot of massage therapists I have coached have put either an open ended date on the certificate, or a 6 month time for example. As an experienced Massage Therapist I find this to be ineffective. Massage therapy Clients will forget if there is too much time to redeem the certificate. They may be all enthused at the start but once you don’t hear from them after a month, two months three months, six months later you start to get the hint that they are not coming back. Or what sometimes happens in your massage therapy business is that they have a week to go before the certificate expires and they ring up for an extension on the time because they are panicking that they will have paid for nothing….it’s just not good for business.

To put it bluntly if a client does not book for a massage therapy treatement after 6 months then rings up asking for an extension they are not the client you want to have.

As an experienced Therapist I find that any gift certificate sold in December must have a 30 day expiry. This makes sure that clients come back in a reasonable amount of time. And you simply must stipulate the expiry date. Most Therapists are old softies and if a client flutters their eye lashes and asks for an extension of time in their sweetest voice we tend to say “aww, alright then, you can have another two months.” We fall for it every time. I’m not talking about one every occasionally for a very good reason, I’m talking about sticking to your guns.

This isn’t a good strategy for business, especially at this time of year.

So make sure you promote those gift certificates to all your clients. Send out a small note or letter with a Christmas card if you have to letting them know about the certificates. And also let them know about your “Book 5, get one free” special offer only available over Christmas…or whatever you decided to do.

Next Week; "Avoiding the Client Drop-Off Over The Holiday Season" Part Five

Till next week!

Amy Roberts


About the Author: Amy Roberts has been actively involved with the massage therapy industry since 1994. Amy writes for the American Massage Therapy Association once a month in a regular column of their Ezine. She has taught her massage marketing methods to hundreds of massage therapists internationally and locally.

How To Avoid The Client Drop Off Over The Holiday Season

Not long ago I talked about Consistency in marketing your massage therapy business to prepare for the holiday season. I hope you applied some of the methods.

This week I want to talk about one other important thing to help avoid the client drop off at this time of year in your massage therapy business. I’ve spoken about it before but I really think I need to bring it up again.

A bid secret to avoiding client numbers dropping off in your massage therapy business is pre-emption. In pre-emption your seasonal fluctuations you’ll be doing yourself a huge favor. And with before you can apply pre-emption you will need to understand how your clients think and thats a huge bonus for your massage therapy business.

Not only does pre-emption prepare you for seasonal fluctuations but it tells you when you should advertise, when you should send out material to your clients, when you should follow up and what to follow up with.

Clients are busy at this time of year. Well, most of them seem to be getting things done before they go away for the much needed break in January. But what you can do through pre-emption is become familiar with their spending patterns and learn what makes them tick.

This is a very underestimated thing to do in your massage therapy business and it should be done.

It’s a very basic strategy but has excellent outcomes. So right now, start pre-empting January. Start putting together some ideas on what you can do to contact all your clients before the January holiday time comes. Right now start getting together some letters or emails telling clients about gift vouchers, or, gift certificates as you guys in the US call them. The important thing here is to remind them about you.

The only way you can successfully work this is via pre-emption. So get cracking, start putting those letters or emails together and remind people about you.

Next week "Avoiding the Client Drop-Off Over
The Holiday Season" Part Four.

Till next week!

Amy Roberts

About the Author: Amy Roberts has been actively involved with the massage therapy industry since 1994. Amy writes for the American Massage Therapy Association once a month in a regular column of their Ezine. She has taught her massage marketing methods to hundreds of massage therapists internationally and locally.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Its All The Little Things That Make UpHow Simple Things Affect Your Massage Therapy Clients Buying Decisions

Sunday, October 01, 2006

The Secret To Attracting And Keeping Clients In Your Massage Therapy Business

There's a crucial factor in the success of your massage therapy practice that I want to share with you. Now I know you already know about this, but what about applying it to your massage therapy business?

It's "ENERGY."

It's a pretty unspoken topic as far as business goes, but I want to talk about it so you understand that the two are totally linked. You see your massage therapy business and energy go hand in hand; they are in fact joined completely.

To simply put it, loving energy helps you create the massage practice that you really want. I've met many Therapists who really rely on technique alone to bring them clients.

It's not enough.

You've got to have the right energy about you as well as have great skills as a Therapist. It's not only your abilities as a Therapist that get people in the door, it’s your energy that you create that helps being them back.

I met a Therapist once who got really angry with me when I said it was possible to make more than $50,000 in a massage business. He was very defensive and asked me how I knew this. I told him I had done it. He said he had been working for "20 years in this business" and he had "never made it over $25,000 per year." I was just sad for him, because I knew why just by speaking with him.

Not long after that call, my friend went to see this guy for a massage and she said he was awful! I asked her why.

"Was it his technique?" I asked.
"No," she said carefully.
"Was it too expensive?"
"No, on the contrary," she answered.
"Well what was it then?"

"I didn't like his vibe." She returned.

What bothered her was his energy. He said and did all the correct things a Massage Therapist should do, but the room didn't feel right, the call on the phone didn't feel right; in fact the whole experience was not right she told me.

You see creating an energy that has a divine, calming and tranquil sense is incredibly important. Clients will come back to you because of your energy, coupled with your business sense and your ability to follow up with clients every time.

Your good energy MUST come through in your photos, ads, flyers, business cards, phone conversations, manner in the clinic, body language and finally your attitude toward yourself.

Always be mindful of your tone, your expression and your subtle communication with your clients. It's crucial to your success.

So be positive, your business depends on it.

Your friend,

Amy Roberts

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

How To Avoid Difficult Massage Clients- For Good!

We’ve all had them. You can’t please them; they are always late then have the audacity to complain about your massage room, the oils, the curtains, your music, or whatever they can think about that doesn’t meet their standards of perfection. They’re never come for their appointment on time, they leave their money ‘at home’, they never refer anybody to you….the list goes on.

I had a client once who was always clinging on to her Asthma for an excuse for everything. After 20 minutes into the appointment she arrived late (couldn’t find her puffer), doesn’t apologise (why should she, she was an asthmatic) and still expected her hour treatment (because Asthmatics need a full hour) and then criticised me for not using X,Y,Z technique, after all her last massage therapist did it (she die of asthma if I didn’t and it would be my fault)….I wanted to strangle her. But I didn’t because I wanted her business.

Then one day she forgot her purse at home (her puffers made her do it) and said “I’ll be back in ten minutes with the money.” I didn’t see her again. By this time I was so sick of it that I wrote her a letter. I was polite yet assertive. In a nutshell I was sick of being walked on and treated without respect. After all her Asthma had never been better than when she was seeing me…I don’t mean to big note myself but it was just a fact. I deserved better. And I was an Asthmatic too, and had it worse than her (although I would have never told her this) so I couldn't understand why it was such a crutch.

About a week later I wrote her a letter explaining that I felt disappointed and hurt that she didn’t pay me because it was like she did not value me or the good work I was doing and to please pay within 7 days of getting this letter otherwise I shall seek legal action. As any normal business person would.

Well you can imagine what her reaction was. Because I’d spoken to her in an assertive way she was very angry after all she could have had an Asthma attack and died. She accused me of being unfair and didn’t want to see me again. Phew! I was so glad. She sent me a cheque pretty quickly though. And that was all she had to do. Frankly I didn’t want her back. And I was not being aggressive, I was being assertive. (There is a huge difference.)

Question: What went wrong? Why did this person give me grief?

Answer: Because I let them.

I just wanted to make my massage business to work and I thought I had to accept new clients just because they gave me business. I thought that a big part of making my massage business work was accepting clients that came my way…ANY clients.

But I learnt something very different (and extremely valuable) from that experience. That was to value myself as a person and a massage therapist. So I made the decision to never let another client treat me like that again. I would recognise the signs of a “difficult” client and nip it in the bud, so to speak and stop it from getting stressful. (After all the difficult client doesn’t feel stress; YOU DO!)

I devised a mental formula to prepare me to terminate difficult relationships without delay. As soon as a new client displayed any of the signs of being a difficult client, they were referred to someone else instantly. I had a mental checklist and used it actively. Since then I was able to recognise difficult clients and make the conscious choice of self value and my life would be so much better. After all who needs it for $70?

If you have had an experience like this then you know the headache they can cause you. So the first thing to bringing fabulous, regular, appreciative clients into your life and get rid of the difficult ones, or disconnect them from your life. To do this you need to recognise the signs of a difficult client.

Checklist to avoid:

* A ridiculously late arrival for the treatment without any apology or acknowledgment that they have inconvenienced you.

* Forgets their money or doesn’t have enough at the end of the massage treatment (let you get the whole massage through and then tells you they don’t have enough money on them).

* Criticises you in some very subtle way (this is called ‘invalidation’ such as “are you still using that cheap massage oil?”)

* Always compares you to their other massage therapist out loud in conversation with you, implying they were better and they are just seeing you because the other person went out of business, town etc, etc

* Tells you that they would like to make an appointment but suggests that you give them half price because eventually they will tell people about you, which somehow qualifies them for a huge discount. (This really means they do not value you.)

* Rings five minutes before the appointment to cancel then gets annoyed because they can’t have an appointment on a time you don’t work (like 10pm Friday night.)

Believe it or not their behavior is not personal. These people are like this because they don’t like themselves and have a difficult time with self value and respect. This manifests into insecurity and a difficulty in relating to other people in an honest and respectable way. They have not learnt to show others respect. They are like this to everyone, you just have the unfortunate situation dealing with them right now.

If a client displays ANY of these things you can handle it effectively for yourself by making the decision to be assertive. My advice to you is that they are just not worth the stress or headache. You are a valuable person and a very important massage therapist who deserves the very best that clients can give you and should not take any less, consider yourself to accept anything less. You are here now, doing something incredibly good for humanity so value yourself for it.

And think of this; if you charge $70 per massage treatment then you are putting up with all of this for $70. Is it your happiness more to you than $70? If it is, tell these people to see someone else. You are worth more.

Best wishes,
Amy Roberts Platinum Author