Thursday, June 08, 2006

Have You Got What "It" Takes For A Massage Therapy Business?

There is something that I want to share with you about your massage practice. It’s something that is not spoken about very much in the industry yet it’s an essential thing to your success as a sole practising massage therapist in business for themselves.

You see my friend, not every Massage Therapist will actually make it. A lot of therapists will fail and fall out of the game at an early stage due to this factor. Oh yes, they will blame it on the economy or "bad times" or a "quiet period in business" as the reasons they can't make it work. Heck, some, who have not understood this unspoken factor, will even blame it on competition as the reason why their practises don't take off. But in fact it's something else... Sure these external things can affect business but not in the way you think. Not as much as you would think.

So let me ask you this: Can you speak comfortably with someone you have never met before, as though they were your friend of ten years? Do you love it when the phone rings? Do you always keep your massage room sparkling clean? You see all these factors will make you more appealing to clients who are coming to you for the very first time.

Massage Therapy is completely a relationship business. Your ability to build client relationships and loyalty is your personality. You need to be gentle and listen; you need to be considerate, polite and always keep good energy.

What do I mean by "good energy"? I am referring to a good attitude that spills out onto others so they can't help be affected by your happiness. Not only will they get a good massage, but they will feel good just by being in your presence. Grumpiness has no place in a massage room.

They will feel listened to, care about, valued and respected. Do you think a client who feels like this will tell others about you? You bet they will! Maintaining a good client base is dependant on your ability to communicate well with your clients. Clients will appreciate and value YOU in return. That respect that you show them, along with a good massage that helps them, will give you the right ingredients for getting more client through word of mouth, and keep the ones you've got for years to come.

I’m not saying you have to be "UP" all the time. It’s not about being someone you are not. It’s a matter of being positive. And letting that positivity shine through and infect your clients.

Because life is far from perfect, what can help you tap into this reserve of happiness within you is to feel your passion for massage therapy. By feeling strongly and passionately about your massage business you will find that many things just come to you more easily then before. Passion ignites happiness and determination to stay on track. So if you are having a bad day, or clients aren't coming, remember your passion to refocus on the direction you need to go in.

And let that happiness out.

Best wishes,
Amy Roberts


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