Tuesday, April 18, 2006

When Should I Create A Special Offer In My Massage Therapy Business?

A Massage Therapy business is always more attractive to clients initially when it has a special offer going. However, it would seem odd if every time see the ad or brochure, it has a special offer. After a while, if the special offer is done to death, that offer looses it sweetness. That’s why you should only offer specials at the right time, not every Sunday, for example. It cheapens the value that your clients believe you have.

A special offer should be done with a marketing campaign, or at special holidays or events throughout the year, such as Easter time, Christmas time, or Mothers and fathers day. If people know that you have giveaways or special offers all the time, they will not place as much value on your massage as you deserve.

Always keep your prices at the higher end of the scale, and give extra value for this.

Let’s take the Christmas vacation period for example. One of my busy times was the time before Christmas. Everyone wanted to get their massages in before going on holidays. Most people went away for the summer (here we have summer in January) and wanted to easy their Christmas stress before the big day in December.

So I used this to my advantage. I sold a lot of vouchers during this time. More people were coming to me looking for Christmas presents, so I made sure I sold vouchers and gave it until the end of January for people to use them. Why? Because January was a little quieter than December and it was a way I could gain extra clients in a quiet month and it still kept the income flowing in.

The more I made use of special offers especially at a busy time, the more referrals for gift vouchers I got. You see if you advertise a special offer on your massage around a busy time, you are more likely to be seen as special yourself. You need a reason to have a special offer.

I also used Mothers Day to it’s full extent. About two weeks before Mothers Day I advertised a special “Mums Special Relaxation Pack” if you bought a gift voucher for Mothers Day in the month of May. In this pack I put a gift voucher for one hour a bottle of Lavender Essential oil, a cake of rose soap, some Rose scented bath salts and a few floating candles. It was definitely a special offer, because it was especially catered for women at a particular time in the year.

What made this so unique was the perception that it was just for Mothers, for a short time, so you had to be quick. And I held my time too. The minute June ended, so did the availability of the gift packs. The special offer had a definite expiry date, as all special offers should. (Don’t let people talk you into extending it for another 3 months.)

This created the impression that I gave more than my competitors, and made it special for people when they saw me. It was something I was glad I did, and it encouraged people to come more often.

Use special offers wisely. Don’t over do it. Just select a good reason and don’t do special offers top much. Remember you are quality and quality practitioners only give away something at selected times of the year.

Good luck!


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