Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Getting More Clients, Without Expensive Advertising, Part 2

In Part 1 I discussed how you can get more clients without expensive advertising by what not to do. And that is not doing general advertising to ‘everyone’, I was talking about getting specific to marketing to people who want massage, and that the secret lies in your own practice.

It’s easy to see what groups of people want massage therapy by looking at your own business, and by looking at complimentary practices in the community apart from yours.

To get more clients without spending hundreds of dollars have a look at who else in your community might treat people a similar way to you. This means people who are serving others to help with muscle soreness, fatigue and other reasons.

You see it’s not about who you think needs massage, its more about looking at who is looking for massage. So if you make a list of all the practitioners in your local area who treat people to alleviate their muscle problems, then you are onto a good start.

Or, perhaps you do massage that focuses more on stress reduction. So ask yourself who else in my community helps people relax? There might be people such as Yoga Teachers, Hypnotherapists, health products, Naturopaths etc. You must ask yourself if these people have the people who will seek massage therapy. If the answer is yes, then you are more likely to have successful results than if you stuck an ad in the paper and hoped for the best.

Success never, ever comes from hoping. It comes through specific action with good solid planning.

Start today to write down a list of all the people that have the people who also seek massage to help them and their health issues, whether mental or physical. You are seeking the same group of people, and yes, it must be specific.

Good luck to you.

Amy Roberts


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